Rhetorical Frameworks of a Chinese Non-Governmental Think Tank


Yidian Liu


Political Economy, Public Policy




Yidian Liu is a senior student majoring in Political Economy with the Track in Public Policy at uke Kunshan University.

Signature Work Project Overview

Chinese non-governmental think tanks have been given fairly little attention in both Chinese and Western academic contexts. The unique positions of Chinese non-governmental think tanks give them the potential to effectively conduct track two diplomacies. However, this topic is largely unstudied. This study aims to identify and analyze a set of rhetorical frameworks used by a Chinese non-governmental think tank and answer the strengths and constraints these frameworks have. Rhetorical analysis of an established Chinese non-governmental think tank, the Center for China Globalization (CCG), is the main method applied. Case analysis of the diplomatic events organized or participated by CCG is conducted, identifying the rhetorical frameworks applied by the CCG. Although these identified frameworks face constraints due to tense international relations and government regulations of non-governmental actors, the frameworks held strengths and could be a factor that helped facilitate CCG’s active involvement in track two diplomacy. To better understand the role of Chinese non-government think tanks in track two diplomacy, future research ought to focus on the effectiveness of this set of rhetorical frameworks and whether it could be adopted by other Chinese non-governmental think tanks or NGOs that wish to participate in track two diplomacy.

Signature Work Presentation Video